Monday, September 21, 2009

Picture Day!

You have no idea how hard it is not to do more than 1 photoshoot a month with this little darlin'!
Ashlyn is now 14 months old :(. She LOVES wearing hats and these boots. She pulls every bow and barrett out, but she will keep a hat on and this headband on for quite some time...YEAH!!!She brings these boots to me all the time and wears them around the house. She loves to sneak up on you when you're least expecting it, and BITE the heck out of you! She has a very sweet and loveable side though which makes up for all the teeth marks left. She has this fascination with anything mechanical or computer oriented. It is VERY annoying after reprogramming the remote controls multiple times a day, putting the keyboard back on the desk, turning the phones off, etc. etc. She seems to figure all the buttons out. If I could get everyone on board with putting them up high so she can't get them. Ashlyn absolutely ADORES her daddy, and she has a soft spot especially for her biggest brother Cody. Yes, I do get jealous of this! Gone are the days where she stays in my lap for more than 5 minutes. Unless your daddy, then she'll stay for who knows how long.
She is SOOO much fun for me if you cannot already tell.
I just LOVE HER!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Brocks 1st day of Preschool!

Monday was Brocks 1st day of Preschool. It's every day for 3 hours. His teachers are awesome, and he loves it! It feels like the 3 hours goes by SO fast though! By the time I drop him off, go to the gym, run an errand, its already time to pick him up!
He loves it though and that's all that really matters. He looks so little still in these photos. Sometimes I forget how little he is, because his spirit is so large, loud, boysterous, disobedient, dominant, aggressive.... I'll stop. :)

Love you Brocky!

After so much cooperation with photos when we took him to school, I was excited to be able to capture his first day. When I picked him up however, his attitude with picture taking was night and day. I later found out in the car when he stopped yelling at me on campus that it was because his hair was "all sweaty"